坦克世界新坦克车T-34-85M怎么获得 T-34-85M获取方式_单机游戏_游戏攻略_

更新时间:2024-07-10 15:06:35      浏览量:225



Posted on October 2, 2014 by Silentstalker — 33 Comments ↓

So, interestingly enough, according to Wotleaks VK site… remember the T-34-85M? Wanted it? Yea, tough luck, it’s not going to allegedly be for sale. At all. It’ll be some sort of event reward tank – how, when or if at all it will be possible to get, that we do not know.

来自 Wotleaks VK的 消息……还记得那个金币车T-34-85M吗?想要它?耶,运气太差了,据说它不会出售了,而是会做为一些活动的奖品车——怎样,何时,有没有可能获得都不得而知。

But the good news (for stronk EU clans) is at least that Wargaming EU is recruiting stronk clans for Stronkhold testing. Various community managers are contacting leaderships of “active and well-estabilished” clans, offering them 20 thousand gold to clan treasury to participate in public testing of Stronghold – the clan task would be to provide extensive feedback and to provide replays and screenshots from the testing, especially those of bugs. Interestingly enough, this seems to concern only clans, currently present on CW map.

但好消息是 (对于那些实力强的欧服军团来说)至少WG欧服正在招募一些实力强的军团进行要塞模式的测试。各大社区管理都在积极的联系“名声好、常活跃的军团”,参加的军团都会获得2万金币用于测试花费——而这些军团的任务就是提供给官方大量的反馈意见、录像以及游戏截图,特别是那些bug。有意思的是这件事看起来只和当前存在于领土战地图的军团有关系。(没领地的不能参加测试)



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